My Utility is Creativity and My Community is Good People.

I process pain through creativity, and channel stoicism to get things done.


Project Manager


Available Now

Click the image to purchase, or the button to learn more.

11 Characters, each with 5 Variants. Earn & win the chance to give it a name & backstory

ADA Aces Gen 1 Policy ID:


100 one-of-one NFTs with hand-curated rarity. 17% of all sales to Mental Health charity.

FaceMisplace Policy ID:


Sketch Every Epoch Policy ID:


Drew Aces 1/1s Policy ID:


Musikavi wrote & played the song, I did the album art. Minting the song supports us both.

First song I wrote & recorded (with a broken thumb, no less.) Almost a free mint, profits go to help Sick City's music project.

Upcoming Projects

I'm a founding member, participant, web site designer, and marketer for the Cardano Caravan. Imagine a cross-country RV trip bringing web3 to the masses with a dozen NFT spaces hosts, a vinyl advertisement-covered RV,  two blockchain conventions & countless landmarks as destinations on our adventure.

I've teamed up with Cardano Stonerz Club to sponsor their booth at cNFT Con. More info coming soon...

At Least 3 Songs in the Works . . .

Details & release dates coming soon.

Some call me Aces, others call me Drew.
(I'm not a plane, however.) Here you'll find images of some collaborations, fan art for other CNFT projects, and 1/1s.

(If you're seeking out the Ada's Aces aviation-based project you can find that HERE. It's not my project, but I fully support their entire team of great people.) If you're still confused, I have an infographic explaining the differences coming soon.