Drew_Aces Roadmap

♤ Prognosticating one's future is typically very difficult, but I'll tell you what I've got planned for the next few months, and we'll see how things play out.

April 2022

♤ Spread the word.

♤ April 20th @ Cardano Stonerz Club Stadium, SHILLA HORROR Rematch

♤April 23rd Whitelist Sale for FaceMisplace

♤ April 24th Public Sale of remaining FaceMisplace

May 2022

♤ ADA ♤ ₳CES Gen 1 Naming Contests

♤ Limited airdrop contest of Gen 1 companion NFTs allowing YOU to tell the story of your character & make a permanent contribution to ADA ♤ ₳CES lore.

♤ More collaborations, and music release(s)...

June-September 2022

♤ The summer will be full of 1/1 releases, Sketches Every Epoch, and a Shill Someone Else twitter space every Friday.

♤Can Not Find Theater has been put on the back burner for now. Someday, just not the Con 2022.

October 2022

♤ Cardano Caravan

♤ Cardano Stonerz Club Booth at the Con

Q4 of 2022

♤ At this point, it's up to the community. I see Gen 2, 3, 4, etc. in the future, although the form in which they end up manifesting is impossible to guess.

♤ More Art. Always More Art.

♤ Live D&D-style streams with NFT owners as players working together to conquer campaigns designed & hosted by WrightArray Sons with a combined 17 years of GM experience.


♤ Production of "Project Sigma" begins, a five issue graphic novel that questions the value of sacrifice in an improbable world.